Originally Posted by rbinhood
Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Your mindset wants to give away everybody else's stuff to others, including that which I have worked for (my money for one.)

Now that's a real original thought---you want to give away my stuff to: A. Darkie; B. Mexicans; C. Illegals; D. Welfare Mommas (take your pick and fill in the blanks).

You see, this is how the brain trust of the conservative movement gets you all riled up. They want you to think that someone (a liberal)is gonna get your stuff, and worse, gonna get it for free.

Aside from your money, which I am assuming you are referring to taxes, how much of your other stuff has been given away, and please identify the person it was given to?

BTW, you dodged the question in my last post: When did I ask you for your money?

I joined late, but hypocrisy is the problem, taxes are one way to illustrate it. It can be illustrated in numerous other ways. The NSA can snoop on you but not on Feinstein. Liberals seem to want someone ELSE to give more.

As an example, my wife and I work hard and are reasonably successful. Our income last year was about 100k short of Obummer's reported income. We paid about 37% of our income in taxes as by in large it was all wage income garnered by getting up and going to work, cashing a paycheck.

Obummer paid a 19-20% effective tax rate the last two years but he is always spouting off how the wealthy should pay more.

I am willing to pay more when all the wealthy liberals pay what I am currently paying.

The government used to be there to serve the people, now it by and large serves its self. If there was an end to lobbying and campaigns were financed with public dollars only, then MAYBE we would have public servants rather than professional politicians.

Last edited by tcp; 04/23/14. Reason: clarity

If you can't be a good example, may you at least serve as a dreadful warning