I have always had two or three big game rifles.. At least two since I was twenty.. I had an 06, then a .300.. Since that time, it has expanded to many be twenty.. Haven't counted lately.. If one included the big .22's I guess there would be even more..
But I would guess the percent of guys who hunt big game with only one rifle is pretty high..

In much of the country, only whitetails are available.. If they aren't varmint hunters, then only one rifle is needed I guess. I am pretty certain the hunters a generation before me mostly only had one rifle..

But on the other hand, with the number of guns now available, and the ability to make a DIY style hunts, folks probably own more guns than their dad's or grandfathers.. Pretty interesting thought. Most of the guys I hangout with have many rifles, but this is good big game country also.. Or at least it was...

Molon Labe