I'm not a world traveled hunter. Mostly Texas, from one end to the other, up, down, and sideways. I have owned .300 magnums from Win., Wby., and H & H. The only thing I ever killed with one was my friends steel turkey cut out that was suspended with chains at 400 meters. I shot it full of holes. Wrong gun for that job.

The reason that I never killed game with one was weight. I would carry two guns and when the time came to hunt off my own two feet, a lighter piece was always chosen. From my bench work, I know the .300s to be superior, but I do not think I ever missed out on game by carrying a .30-06, and in later years a .308, both being lighter and handier than any factory issue .300 - going back some thirty or more years.

As I age, recoil is now an issue. About 6-8 months ago, I sold my last magnum. I do still have a 9.3x62, but I have no logical explanation as to why, other than to scratch an itch.

A do it all caliber? I have killed everything from armadillo to whitetails, and from coyote to heavy desert mule deer, and the occasional exotic with a .30-06 loaded with Hornaday's fast loaded 180s. I suspect that that a 7 Mauser would have worked as well, and with today's bullets, perhaps even a .243. Seems like it does not take as much gun for women, kids, and old farts to kill stuff as it takes for flat bellied studs. Hey, I did not notice this just last week. A huntress of my acquaintance showed me a few tricks, some of them with a .243, almost fifty years ago.

Use what you enjoy,


"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people...who have...rejoiced in their loss of freedom....Blame the people who hail him when he speaks of the 'new, wonderful, good, society'...to mean ,..living fatly at the expense of the industrious." Cicero