Originally Posted by JohnnyLoco

I just wanted to know how folks felt about the subject. I do think Kyle stretches the truth in grandiosity and it could be the reason his killer killed him. Many times two narcissist equal a death.

No you didn't, you wanted to take shots at Chris which you did a number of times. Don't try to disguise this as you just wanted to see how others felt on the matter. At least be a man and own it. I can see why you are hysterical over the deal, you and Jesse have a lot in common.

He was killed by a sick mother [bleep], that's it. Quit trying to rationalize the irrational behavior of a sick man and using that as a platform to degrade a friend of mine.

Narcissist huh? What a joke. Chris was a humble man. You know how much be personally made from the sale of his book? Any guesses? ZERO! He didn't make a dime. He gave it all to the families of his fallen teammates. You know how much he talked about himself while I was guiding him? Not very damn much. He talked about his family, his business partners who are also friends of mine and he talked about his teammates. We talked about hunting and fishing and made plans to bring a friend of his that lost a leg in battle up on a hunting trip with us. I've hunted with a lot of narcissistic a-holes but Chris wasn't one of them. Trust me when I tell you that you can get a pretty good feel for a guys personality, his morals and values and get an overall sense of what a person is like in a week of hunting with them and Chris was one of the classiest guys I've hunted with. Chris didn't like it somebody called him a hero and actually got pissed one night when we started talking about it at the dinner table. He put his country and his teammates first, every time. You are judging a man because he answered questions honestly in interviews and because of that you feel he is a narcissist. Tragic

Jesse Ventura is none of that. He is an egotistical prick that craves attention and he's willing to sue Chris's family to get that attention and that's the guy you want to side with. Tells me all I need to know about you.