Originally Posted by JohnnyLoco
Barkoff, I have an answer for you. I am as much of an authority on the subject as huntsonora, Both our opinions are completely irrelevant. laugh

I used flex duct for the arms of a robot for the youngins, what should I use for the eyes?

Kind of my point, you sound pretty certain of something that at best can be your theory. You have gone beyond offering opinion, to the realm of an attack on Kyle. I read Kyles book, and ya, he came across a little cowboy, but his life's experiences are different from my own, perhaps that is what it takes to do his job. I got the same thing off of Hathcock watching interviews.

That being said, suggesting that his ego possibly led to his death? Man, that is just lame, what is egotistical about spending the time trying to help a fellow soldier? Perhaps you bristle at the attention and accolades Kyle receives?

Now in regards to huntsanora, I think spending a week with somebody, hunting and talking out in the wilderness, is ample time to get to know a man, what makes him tick. What is irrelevant in regards to Kyle, is how many years you spent in the service, but not with Kyle.

Thank you for your service.