The ever looming threat of starvation or having to go the "Poor House" was what made this country great. It built a strong economy. Because even if you had no goddamm legs, you could still get yourself propped up and shuck corn, peel potatoes, hell them people would scoot their ass across the ground and set tobacco plants even tend a garden.

Today, I know of a POS drunk driver dude that is paralyzed waist down from (whisky bottles-brand new cars-oak tree youre in my way)
Yet, he milks disability and doesnt hit a lick at anything. Mfker has a newer full size chevy truck diesel and big bass boat and fishes about 200 days a year and smokes pot like a chimney. Plays on facebook all damn day whining and bitching about his life.

Won't take a job nowhere cause it might mess his benefits and TN-Care healthcare freebee status up.
