There's a lot of truth to that. Employers want a lot nowadays, they want someone fully trained, ready to hit the ground running with no training required who'll show up early and stay late, and they want it for minimum wage.

Like it or not employers are competing with Obama's welfare state for employees. Whether or not that's the way you or I feel it should be, that's the fact at this point in time. If you're trying to hire an office assistant and can't do it at the pay offered then that means you're not offering enough pay. Any job is fillable for the right pay. I know many think that job shouldn't pay more than minimum wage because they dug ditches for minimum wage when they were in college, but if the market dictates you have to pay more for a competent office assistant then that's what you pay or do without. Fireball was jumped on for saying a job needs to pay more than $350 a week but he's right. The government inflation numbers are BS and the cost of living has easily doubled in the last ten years, wages haven't kept pace. Yea, you could get people to work for less if you cut out all the welfare, starvation is a powerful motivator, but that'll never happen with the democrats in power. There's too many votes to be bought by redistributing money to people for not working. Since welfare's not going away, an employer has to compete against it and that means paying more than minimum wage if they want competent help. It's not enough to dismiss it by saying "if they wanted more than minimum wage they should have gone to college". Not everyone needs to be a manager, there's too many chiefs and not enough indians in the workforce already.

Good workers are still out there, you're just not going to get them by paying poverty wages.