Originally Posted by Steelhead
I watched 3 people walk out at a medical facility. They were there for a physical for an offshore drilling jobs (LA) and were told to piss in a cup for a drug test. They just handed back the cup and walked out.

I guess smoking pot is more important than working.

Top of the morning to you Scott, I hope this finds you and yours doing well. How are the pups doing by the way?

Your pee test story is so familiar up here that it makes my head spin.

One of the companies that my wife is financial controller for did a fairly big mine construction contract in the north. The job paid all sorts of bonus money, decent conditions and company to work for and overall was a sweet set up for construction workers by most accounts. I think it was 14 days in and 7 out - something like that. It was a dry work site and all applicants were told that up front.

Not only that Scott, they were given somewhere north of three weeks to "study for the test" as it were. It's amazing how many BC folks can't step away from the bong or crack pipe for that long.

One of my nephew's is married to an RN who does pee testing full time in northern Alberta. From what I hear there it'a amazing anyone ever gets a drop of that environmentally unfriendly tar sands oil.....

Sometimes I do believe I'm glad I don't understand most other folks Scott - but then you already knew that about me.

Have a good weekend Scott and again all the best to you folks.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"