I made this observation several times. Able bodied men and women (30 somethings) all camped out on porches during the middle of the day. Laffin, poppin beer cans open, washing their motorcycles, waxing their boats, grillin out with 3 or more homies in the front yard during the middle of the work week.

Yeah, I dont make a whole hell of lot more than these people and I'm puttin in about 50 hours a week at this here worky-job thing I do.

As one person above already posted, you can draw close to 25k or more a year and get food, housing, healthcare, college tuition etc. All most of em do is some "side work" like mowing a few lawns, day laboring under the table, window tinting, selling dope and they can stack 400-500 cash to throw around at de club