This is a long thread and I can't remember if I have posted on it or not but, If I lived where I had lots of room and wanted an outside dog, and especially if I lived where it was cooler than Arkansas, I would get a Great Pyrenees, or maybe a cross with one. I have owned several and they are awesome dogs. Good guard dogs without being dangerous and all that I have ever tried had a knack for trailing crippled deer. Not a house dog for sure and they love cold weather. The only one that I have ever had that tried to bite anyone was when a man that I hunt with came to pick up a deer that he had killed. He brought his 20 old Grandson and the Grandson told his Grandpa to just sit in the truck and I will drag the deer out here, which was about 50 yards. Purl got between him and the deer and growled to let him know to leave it alone. When he kept on, she bit him on the leg. He said hard enough to have brought blood if not for the Carthart overalls. As soon as the Grandfather,that Purl knew, got out of the truck she was OK with them getting the deer. She did not know the Grandson and was not letting him have the deer. She is gone now but I have a half breed out of her and an unknown father that is a great dog too. miles

Look out for number 1, don't step in number 2.