Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner
Originally Posted by Nrut
Most of you are being "gamed" by your government, media and their puppet masters as per usual..

I let them game me for most of my life..

In time you will wise up..

You guys are funny...in a sad sort of way...the ones being "gamed" are the ones who accept the liberal & current narrative that Islam is the religion of peace...

In case none of you libs have noticed, our POS POTUS refuses to say the words "Muslim" or "Islamic" in reference to jihadists or terrorists...the closest he or any of his staff have come are the words "Jihad Extremists" & that's only been since the latest mass murders & beheadings. Who is being gamed?

These threads always manage to flush out the libs as if we didn't know who they are..

You better be afraid of a ghost!!

"Woody you were baptized in prop wash"..crossfireoops
