I can see where Gitem_12 is coming from, and from my own experience.....

With our first child we decided not to find out if it was going to be a boy or a girl. Like any first time father I hoped for a boy, mostly because of all the reasons every father wants his own little boy, it is just the way some guys are wired.

8 months or so later, after the babies room had been painted and all of the "stuff" was light greens and other gender neutral colors, out squishes this little person, all covered in icky stuff. The docs plopped that goo covered little person on my wife and said "ITS A GIRL!!!!"

For about 30 seconds I admit to thinking "ugh a girl" ..........then I got to hold her. I am guessing you will follow a similar path.

BTW, when the doc finally gives mom the all clear for extracurricular activities.............be careful.........I got twin boys 14 months after the girl child showed up.