I had a subscription (thanks to various jobs I did as a youngster) to Outdoor Life so read O'Connor. However it was the fact that the single best hunting book and almost the only gun related book in the 'local' library was an O'Connor tome which I nearly wore out - and I 'knew' I would someday own a M70 in 270. Another useful book was "Hatcher's Notebook" which lead me into the world of ammunition curiousities - which lead to the blowing up of a 22 rifle (using the powder from a couple gallery shorts in a LR case) as well as my continued interest in dumping powder into and pressing primers and bullets into the cases of various cartridges. Keith arrived on my horizon when I bought "Hell I was There" in order to fulfill the purchase requirements of an Outdoor Life Book club commitment.

Then there was Hagel, Jamison, Waters, Timm, Howell, Barsness ( wink ) and a whole bunch of others. I have bought things as a result of reading most of them. (Some have cost me a lot! mad ) Does that mean they influenced me to some extent? (Still don't have a M70 270 )

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.