I don't usually hunt in rainy nasty weather any more, but when I did I never noticed any 'freckling' from bits of steel wool rusting. If it did freckle and I couldn't see it, then it isn't a problem anyway. I do make a point of not using steel wool when I finish anything with a water based compound. I'm sure that you know, but maybe not everyone does, that Waterlox does not contain any water other than in the name.

As to research, I did plenty prior to this last stock work. Just to see what else might be available and would interest me. That didn't include looking for the opinions of anyone on this forum.

Anyway, I liked what I read and what I saw on the use of Waterlox, and I had a new can. Thought I'd give it a try and I really like the way it came out. If, however, it doesn't hold up under use I will come back to the forum and say so.