Of course I would dare. All great things in life stem from those who dared to ignore conventional wisdom. Henry Ford, Orville and Wilbur, Chuck Yeager. They all dared to be great.

I don't know how old you are, but there was a gentler time when phone cords weren't coiled. Before that we had phones with a fixed mouth piece and a ear piece on a straight cord.

Today we have cordless phones, mobile phones, satellite phones and more. I for one have never figured out how to answer a satellite phone as they are always out of reach and moving far too fast for my comfort. Not that it matters.

If you suffer a twisted cordical
In fashion not altogether theoretical
Thus finding yourself hysterical

Then journey to the phone store
Find peace, and more.

It's not Haiku, but I can work on that if you like.

Haiku would be more like this, though far from precisely the following form:

Twist cord
No mind
Sorry GI

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain