Originally Posted by pre6422hornet
Looks Great Scotty! Can't wait to see the range reports.

BSA I have been using Marine Tex for about 10 years and it would take an act of God to get me to change. Just wish they made it in clear so I could use it on wood stocks.

I've been hooked on Devcon 10110 for a while now. I know a lot of guys swear by the marine tex for McMillan stocks. One thing about the devcon I notice is it is very runny. I've glass bedded with JB weld and accraglass and believe it or not, I like the consistency of the JB weld better than just about anything. However, I don't believe it to be as strong as the Devcon. I've actually been tempted to try some splash zone (industrial marine grade) we have at work for repairing holes in ship hulls underwater grin.... That stuff seems to be about as bullet proof of an epoxy as you can get grin

Originally Posted by raybass
I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Nothing fancy mind you, just plain jane will get it done with style.
Originally Posted by Pharmseller
You want to see an animal drop right now? Shoot him in the ear hole.