I agree with that to some extent. The market price is the price at which one can readily find something without going to a whole lot of trouble. A person who pays more than that is paying an above market price. A savvy shopper who can locate hard to find stuff at good prices is actually getting it at a below market price. If demand is too high for supply to catch up at the price offered, the price is probably too low, or below market price.

I dollar cost average and shop around. I certainly would not pay Gunbroker prices for bulk pack. But, there are some other factors that influence the amount that I will pay. For example, I may pay more per box/brick to get more of the exact type of ammo I already have on hand because I know how my gun(s) shoot it, which makes it a better value than to buy something that may not work as well.

"Don't believe everything you see on the Internet" - Abraham Lincoln