Originally Posted by pal
Originally Posted by WyColoCowboy
You guys have no clue how dangerous legalization is. Its not the smoked pot - it's the edibles made from refined MJ oils. They are making candy, cookies, chocolates, brownies, drinks - you name it. Largely unregulated. The rates of cannabis psychosis are skyrocketing.

My cousin that I went hunting with last weekend is a psychiatrist in Denver and he's buried two patients from it in the last year and he has put many young people in long-term institutional care because the edibles cause a lifetime of psychosis because it rewires the brain if first time or casual smokers take a huge dose of edibles. Before moving to Colorado, he'd never seen a single case a cannabis psychosis but deals with it regularly now that it's been legalized.

Ridiculous. You guys have been watching too much Reefer Madness.

Actually I am very leary of edibles and feel they should be limited to medical use only. In general the more refined and concentrated a natural drug is, the more dangerous and addictive it becomes. Examples:

Opium, heroin, morphine
Coca leaves, cocaine, crack cocaine
Marijuana, hashish, edible oils

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence". John Adams

"A dishonest man can always be trusted to be dishonest". Captain Jack Sparrow