You bring up a very good point.

Driving is not illegal. Speeding is. But since some people speed, should no one be allowed to drive?

Drinking is not illegal. Drinking and driving is. But since some people drink and drive, should no one be allowed to drink at all?

Owning a gun is not illegal (okay, we can quibble about that in some states). Shooting people without provocation is illegal. Since some people shoot others without provocation should no one be allowed to own a gun?

Don't withhold whatever it may be from the vast majority of people who do not abuse whatever it may be. Concentrate the legal penalties on those whose irresponsibility creates a danger to society at large.

There is a place for laws and law enforcement, punishing everyone for the irresponsible acts of a few is not that place.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!