You can stop people from using the stuff; if they abuse it outside, without being able to eat, sleep and live in the comfort of what they can't provide, they will die and quit using it.

Kicking the can down the road whether its spending or keeping addicts alive never fixes anything, has never been "legal" from a Constitutional perspective and will never override the cold reality of natural order/nature.

Addicts, be they bureaucratic spenders or pot heads, always will justify their habits, find ways to make the responsible pay for irresponsibility and feed off of that notion until nothing is left. (Nothing is left BTW).

Its illegal and a failure because we fund it.
If we legalize it, we will still fund it and say, from a statutory level, "what would you like to do now"?

Depravity knows no bounds and until the pocketbook isn't run by the depraved, there will be no "freedom", in any natural sense.