Larry take your damn Remeron and Geritol. Hmm why would I think you were in FL this summer? Oh yeah because you plainly stated in your PM to me that you were there and would be until at least 09/01/2014. You yourself said it and when I pm'd my travel plans you suddenly removed yourself from the conversation. Hell I even offered to pm you a pic of the ticket, travel itinerary and valid id as proof.

Its funny you talk of people threatening you when you continually make veiled threats to others I.e. 600' lakes and ice fishing. Even your old addled brain can't believe that statement.

As to the court case you listed above what is your point? Guy went to court to identify people he felt were defaming him on Facebook, got a court order to do just that and it went nowhere after that?

Hint chief, not many posters here hide their names or cities and a simple Google search of that info would do the same no court case needed.

Hint #2. You defame and threaten the same folks you accuse of doing it to you so doubt you have a case. Your last 3 posts alone each contain multiple statements of slander.

I know you don't care about the realities I have listed above. I have never threatened you, nor do I care to now, your delusions aren't worth my time, but we both know you welched on lunch in FL.

As to LR steel if you ever find yourself in WA let me know and I will set it up. Have access to steel to 2k via an acquaintance that has truly been there done that in LR via war, and is paid well to teach it to others by one of the most respected companies in the firearms industry.