Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Pappy348
My father's division liberated at least one death camp at the end of WW2. The books published by his regiment and division after the war have lots of pictures that show the result of the kind of programming your masters engaged in.

Oh, I forgot; that never happened. Right?
Typhus and starvation killed the vast majority of them near the end of the war after the Allies destroyed their food supply lines. The poison gas was for killing lice in their clothes. Lice carried typhus. The same reason for the shaved heads. The showers were just that, showers for lice elimination.

Large numbers of Jews were arrested because world Jewry had declared war on Germany since before open hostilities had begun. We did the same to the Japanese after Pearl Harbor. Had the Axis powers destroyed supply lines to our internment camps and conquered the U.S., they would have discovered lots of dead Japanese, dead from starvation and typhus.

That's worth saving.