Originally Posted by ltppowell
Originally Posted by KFWA
yep, I'm saying a hand held BB gun won't kill you.

Interesting grey area. If he shot your eye out, would you kill him before he got the other?
Take note that I didn't argue that the kid should have been killed, just that technically it would be Justifiable Homicide in most areas under the law.

Another interesting question is, if you knew the kid was going to shoot your eye out would you let him if the only option was shooting him to prevent it. What if he was pointing the BB gun at another kid, the way he probably was doing before the cops got there? The report was that he was pointing it at people.

Under most self-defense law the threshold is "life and limb" meaning that it is justifiable to kill somebody to prevent him from maiming you or another person. Another thing is this, if the projectile can put your eye out it is very possible it could travel farther into your brain and kill you.