Originally Posted by pira114
I don't know if I've ever seen a thread go full retard this fast. Which is saying something for this forum.

Bottom line is this: the parents are to blame for not teaching this kid two things. Dont take a realistic toy gun and point it at people. And when cops shout orders, listen. If you're innocent, nothing will happen.

The only "social" question in my mind is why the 911 call in the first place? If the caller believes it's kid ith a toy, why the call for police? In my opinion, that's the main difference between now and when most of us grew up. When I was young, I did lots of stupid stuff. But adults in the community would correct children without fear of reprisal from parents. And kids were taught to listen. To all adults.

That is a good post BUT...parents? Who dat is?

The only thing worse than a liberal is a liberal that thinks they're a conservative.