Plenty enough times. Obviously not when it's very cold- 40s or so. And nothing is cut and dried. But- if it's col enough that I'm worries about staying dry, it probably will be reasonably easy todo so as the precip is likely frozen. If its not so cold that I'm worries about being wet, then I'm just like every other guy on the mountain. I almost always have Patagonia something or other rain jacket - but eithe tima realist or a pessimist and it doesn't see the ligh of day much. Why? Well, how many threads are there about what to wear to stay dry, and nothin works. If water can ge out- water can get in. If water can't get out- it can't get out. If its raining in either in a bivysack, or movin around to generate some body heat and maybe find an animal. Glassing in the rain... You've seen it usually in the ak section- what to wear while glassin in the rain??? I can't glass well enough in the rain to see a return on the time spent doing it, so I go with what I know and cover ground with my feet.

Who among us stays dry when it rains on his trip? 2 days of rain and nothing is dry. Stop kidding yourself. May as well let the rain wash out some salt to help keep my clothes serviceable when they dry.