Originally Posted by Tanner
In my limited experience, 2 days in the rain and 10 days in the rain are very different animals (for obvious reasons). You can stand to be hunting in the rain for 2 days straight and still be hunky-dory. But hunting out of a backpack and a tent, for 10 days straight, whilst staying dry, is an extremely tall order, and maybe even an impossible one. I had the best rain gear that I could buy, and my schit still got wet fairly regularly when I was exposed to over a week straight of hard rain and low ceilings.

Also IME, wet rain gear does not dry out in a tent while it is still raining outside. It simply stays wet.


I had been meaning to ask you if you had figured out why I don't put much stock in raingear advice from folks around your home turf. Funny part is that you were in a relatively dry part of the state smile

175, if you want to test drive anything I've got, you are more than welcome.