Every time I'm about to change my avatar back somebody comments on it and I feel compelled to keep it. The comments are always varied, such as...

Tom Cruise is a terrible actor...which is a lie. Nobody can watch that beach-volleyball-in-blue jeans scene and say that he's not the greatest actor ever.

I hate Tom Cruise movies...which is a lie. Nobody hasn't seen TopGun. And nobody who's seen TopGun doesn't like it.

Why do you have that avatar?...which is a lie. Everybody knows why I have it. It's awesome.

But the most interesting comments are the disproportionately angry comments, nearly always mentioning some sort of homoerotic weirdness, like this weird mixture of "smashing" "baby face" "ass" and "munching".

Originally Posted by generalstuart
pretty Boy, I would Love to smash that baby face Ass Munch...

GS better hope that an inkblot test isn't involved in his psychiatric evaluation....
What do you see here GS?
-Not Tom Cruise's baby face getting smashed with my munching, that's for sure!!!

Originally Posted by SBTCO
your flippant remarks which you so adeptly sling