Originally Posted by generalstuart
Originally Posted by alukban
Originally Posted by jimmyp
sorry to hear of your problems, glad your getting help. Humble is always better than confrontational when your in need of help. Seems you have had a few things going on lately in addition to the ambulance theft.

also if there were circumstances surrounding the ambulance theft that might be extenuating I am sure we all would welcome your explanation.

Finally nice pistol for sure, I fancy I want a 45colt Smith and Wesson from time to time, but always wind up with some AR type carbine, which I shoot much better with anyway.

Yep - I hope all goes well for you General Stuart.

I have been there before meself and so do not like to "cast stones"...

Hello Guy's
I appreciate your response here. I am seeing a doctor for my condition I could not help my actions, I have been diagnosed as Bi-Polar but I feel much better now that I am getting treatment and the correct medications i was told due to me Dying in the recovery room after a cancer surgery, and being Brought back to life last March that this condition surfaced. Thank's for the Kindness and understanding. Regards, The General
I am glad to hear you're getting help General. Sorry for your problems. I'm very far away from your situation and don't pretend to know anything about it but...I'd be careful in just a blanket acceptance of some doctor's diagnosis of a mental condition like that after all these years on earth. It would not surprise me at all if your condition was drug-induced due to the medications you had to receive for surgery. There is a difference between somebody who had a mental condition induced as opposed to somebody who is naturally that way.