Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by roundoak
An outdoors laboratory with a multitude of variables is not the best place to come to an absolute conclusion. The only exception is if you convinced a .gov to give you grant money to study the impossible.

I'm pretty sure people can observe reality without a laboratory.

But there will always be a handful of people that insist there is no difference in 200fps, and there will always be a handful of people that insist plastic tip bullets "don't do anything different" and there will always be a handful of people that need a pack of PhD's and a laboratory to see the advantages of a faster twist.


Travis, as a horseshoer I've fixed close to 70 foundered horses with 100% success over the last 6 years.

Don't know if you know anything about founder but basically that's suppose to be impossible!

A world renowned founder clinic from Texas is apparently fixing 7 out of 10.

So I figure what the heck I'll give them boys a call and see if they'd be willing to have me swing by.

So I call and to cut to the chase I offer to show up and I'll fix the 3 out of 10 they can't fix for free to get my foot in the door and prove what I'm explaining.

After all proof is in the pudding, Right!

So they ask me about my education as I seem to be talking somewhat backyard and farmish!

I believe the mans exact words were "you are not eucated enough for us to waist our time"

The truth is I figured out exactly what they were missing by reading there literature and fixed the first foundered horse I ever worked on and strangely enough I assured the horse owner that I was very confident I would fix the horse.

This wasn't your average foundered horse! The horse had dropped sole and coffin bone rotation to a massive degree and was diagnosed from a top ten veterinary clinic as unfixable.

I remember thinking, if Ive been fixing 10 for 10 and they fix 7 for 10.....well......who really has the proper education here?

In the end my final determination was that it really was not even about education.

It was about Common sense and the ability to see beyond immperical data and laboratories and in the box education.

Kind of like the gun world.


The 6.5 Swede, Before Gay Was Ok