Originally Posted by joken2
Originally Posted by djs
Originally Posted by bubahome
Be sure you buy long term health care insurance. Without if, if you end up in a Nursing home, you will run through all your savings, then will have to go on Medicade. After you die, the governement will then come back on your estate and take anything of value to pay for what they paid in Medicade. It's a dirty little secret.
Know a woman whose kids lost a $500,000 house, a $200,000 cottage and her late husbands large gun collection because she had no long term health care insurance.

If you wish to maintain your lifestyle, you will need 2/3s of your pre retirement income and inflation will cut into that every year you live.

Having you house paid off is a terrible choice. It's not earning you a thing. While you are still working refinance it (you can get 100% if your a vet) at about 3.5% after tax interest rate. Invest that money that and decent broker can get you 5-6% on.
Now you have an income stream to pay the mortgage as well as a large lump of money you can get at.

Been retired 20 years and invested every dime we could "back when" in IRAs and 401s and the market. Am self employed (work when I want) maybe 20 hours/week.
Our lifestyle and assets are the same as the year we retired.

Get out as soon as you can ..... so much to see and do.

Long term health insurance s a good idea IF you can afford it. My LTC insurance (pretty good coverage) is about $2,500 and my wife's is about the same or, about $5,000 per year. If you got the money, have it; but many can not afford it and still eat.

Nowadays the cost of 24/7 basic care (3 hots and a cot) even in the cheapest of nursing homes generally starts at at least 5K a month per resident and goes on up from there and is subject to continuing periodic increases.

Even with insurance be sure you understand every little 'fine print' detail and abide fully to every requirement.

My wife's dad had insurance but they denied 100% of the claim. According to their 'fine print' a rest home must have at least one registered nurse on duty in the facility 24/7. The nursing home my wife's dad was at had a full time RN on duty 1st and 2nd shifts but for 3rd shift a RN was on-call.

5K a month? Try 8K a month for a rat hole, and you still better have some private care people to look after you and family members to show up every day and watch the staff like a hawk. There also are 60 or 90 day exclusion periods before it even kicks in. LTC insurance is a waste of money. It saved some money for my MIL who just died, but none for my FIL who never made it through the exclusion period. Use the money to move to a cool place in Portland and get a prescription for the needle.

"Don't believe everything you see on the Internet" - Abraham Lincoln