Originally Posted by Brad
Originally Posted by Crow hunter
Originally Posted by Brad
Originally Posted by Crow hunter
that bullet's the one thing determines whether that hunt is a success or failure.

I'd say the bullet is about the least important "thing" that determines success.

It's the only connection you've got to the animal until it's dead. You can do everything else right, dance spinning on your head and saying voodoo incantations, but if the bullet doesn't perform then you go home empty handed, so yea, it is the one thing that determines whether you succeed or not.

As far as "the ONE thing" that determines success or failure, I still maintain it's likely the least important of many dozens of "things." Your physical shape isn't a thing per se, but that would be at the top of the list followed by every sort of gear imaginable starting with boots, clothing, and optics, down to an ice axe/walking staff, rifle and ibuprofin.

Any old bullet will kill a sheep. Hell, I've seen barbed wire kill a ram. laugh

Putting that "any old bullet" in the right spot is the ticket...

Yep. Go with the rifle you trust the most already, and put the time, effort, and expense into getting fit. That will pay dividends on the sheep hunt and far beyond.

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.