Originally Posted by Crow hunter
Originally Posted by gunswizard
The .44 Magnum is well suited to most Indiana deer hunting situations. Allowing more powerful centerfire calibers I feel will lead to hunters attempting shots beyond their marksmanship capabilities. The greater range of high powered cartridges I feel also carries with it potential danger.

Yet amazingly most of the rest of the country manages to use "high powered cartridges" without people routinely getting shot out of trees and spraying down the countryside attempting shots beyond their marksmanship capabilities. Oh, I forgot, Indiana has rolling farmland. It's certainly unique, there's none of that to be found in the rest of America whistle

What we're left to conclude is that Indiana hunters must be a completely undisciplined bunch that are in danger of going on a rampage once they get their new rifles in their hands, the same rifles that hunters in the rest of the U.S. have managed to use for the last century or so without inducing mass carnage.

Yep Hoosier's are certainly unique and we can't responsibly handle our fire arms! whistle