Originally Posted by gunswizard
The .44 Magnum is well suited to most Indiana deer hunting situations. Allowing more powerful centerfire calibers I feel will lead to hunters attempting shots beyond their marksmanship capabilities. The greater range of high powered cartridges I feel also carries with it potential danger.

I've had to track and finish off exactly 3 deer hit fairly well with a bullet out of a Ruger 44 carbine which my late hunting friend claimed was perfect for use in woodlots on whitetails. 2 other occasions, the deer were not found. Probably not the fault of the round, as a deer hit well with a proper bullet out of a 44 magnum inside 150 yards is going to die. But it happened.

I cannot say that I've had any problem with deer going more than a few dozen yards after being hit with a .243, or .223 for that matter.

My suggestion would be to add into the law that a hunter must be elevated 10 feet to hunt with a centerfire rifle for deer, if the folks in your state can't use some fuggin sense with a rifle. Of couse, then all the dumbazzes would fall out of the stand and break their stupid necks, and a whole new issue will be started.

Last edited by 1Deernut; 01/30/15.


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Thomas Jefferson