I'm not sure of the regulations for posting here and I will be vague to avoid a "flame war" but, after reading this, you can email me for details.

I booked a caribou hunt for last August from a service I've been with three years prior. Long story short, I signed a contract that if my party shot too many animals we would be charged $1500 for an "extra meat haul." In the end we were charged this fee but no extra flight was needed!

Three email from me to clear up the matter were ignored by the owner. Three requests by the BBB to mediate the matter were also ignored by the owner. Two letters from the Attorney General's office have been ignored.

I have a good lawyer (you Alaskans will all recognize his name) and he is assisting me me in fillsing out small claims paperwork which we will file upon receipt of the final letter from the AG's office.

This flight service also charges different rates for different clients. We were charged high as my two friends on the trip were an MD and a CEO of a big corporation. Others were charged far less, some as much as 50% less. Some have the "extra meat haul" and are not charged. All this is documented.

I have posted this on my website and will share with any of you who contact me.
Cheers, and be careful. This is a bad outfit.