Same for me. I have left firearms with true friends for extended periods of time knowing they would care for them as much or more than I would. BUT, if I take a newbie out for their first hunt they either bring their own rifle, or I MAY let them use whichever one I have that they like the best. I don't loan guns. and I don't have any "beater" rifles I'd let just anyone use.
I let Docrocket use a 38-55 in wyoming once on a small deer walk about, I let my nephew use my wife's 6x45 last year. I've even shared a prairiedog rifle with folks whilst we were out. but in every instance I either trusted them completely, or was right next to them while they used it. some other folks may be more free with their guns, I am not.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.