Hi guys, I'm installing the headliner in a 64 galaxie today.

I'm not going to claim that my way is the "right way", I'll get that out of the way first off, lol. But here's how I'm going about this particular install. I'm using the front and rear glue/tack strips to attach the headliner material but I believe I will borrow techniques utilized in gen 1 stang headliners for attaching the sides.

I installed the bows in the correct order, I think anybody can handle that much without photos. I then installed the bows and attached the rear bow wire links.

[Linked Image]

After the rear links were attached I pulled the center of the front edge tight and popped a couple of 1/4" staples in to hold it in place. Then I repeated the same at the rear edge to rear tack strip.

[Linked Image]

Next I trimmed back the bow sleeves at the ends and pulled the sides tight and clamped with spring clamps at each bow seam.

[Linked Image]

I do this because it helps me finish the front and rear edges without wrinkles.

Next I applied contact cement to the front tack strip, also a bit to the roof structure forward of the tack strip, out to both A pillar corners and also to the back side of the headliner material where it will contact the front roof edge.

[Linked Image]

I happen to be using a DAP brand contact cement with a small brush attached to the cap. I actually prefer the dobber type to the brush for headliners because the dobbers are easier for overhead work.

Anyways, the contact cement has a 15 minute to one hour working window. Once the cement had been on for about 20 minutes, I started drawing the material snug, pressing it to the tack strip and placing a few staples as I went.

[Linked Image]

With the front edge glued/stapled in place I chose to use a clamp on each front corner while I moved to the back of the car to repeat the same process.

[Linked Image]




Something clever here.