Originally Posted by Wyogal
Wyoming is great for the outdoors, but really lousy socially. People tend to be clannish
and a bit zenophobic.

This is not necessarily condemnation in my eyes. My family has divided into those who settled close to home, and those who went military and or college and moved elsewhere for work.

The area I'm from tends to be clannish and xenophobic. The way they do things works for them, and they are not much open to new ideas, or ways. Even when suggested by kinfolk who have lived elsewhere, and/or experienced different things.

In areas that are more sparsely populated, guys tend to be in tune with others from their area. Not so much with others who talk, dress, and act differently.
And you won't tune in with them by trying to talk and dress like them. Some places you can be there for 25 years and everybody considers you "the new guy".
Live with it...

youtube seems to have made more difference around my home area than the interstates ever did...

"Chances Will Be Taken"