Originally Posted by Paladin
Originally Posted by SBH
Originally Posted by WyoCoyoteHunter
Thanks for the message about Wy.!!!!! Send it to all you can..

Do you drive to Denver for quality medical care...........or quality anything for that matter?

Where do you go to get your 3 teeth cleaned??

Good to see Wyoming hasn't changed, and neither have the scum that move in and hate the place where they are making a living but refuse to leave while bitching the whole time. When called on the carpet they will resort to name calling or other derogatory comments like every other liberal that doesn't get their way. So here's some of your "degreed professionalism" back at you.

Like I've been telling folks for past 35 years I've lived here. If you didn't move here to become part of what Wyoming is and you don't like it, go back to where you came from and take your piss poor attitude with you.

It's people like you, SBH and Wyogal, that make Wyoming seem unfriendly, and it's no wonder when you place yourselves so much higher than those around you. Especially you SBH, with your holier-than-thou elitist attitude, to wit: "As a degreed professional (who can't hold a job, so like any good narcissist, blames everyone but himself), had 4 jobs in 6 years trying to find one where the people at work (including the company owners!!!) didn't feel threatened by a talented, qualified, outsider (yup, narcissism at its finest, if only everyone could see him the way he sees himself. There's the problem, no one can recognize perfection when they see it.) and wouldn't make me do the stupid kid schitt while they took the important stuff (then there's throwing the good old childish temper tantrum to make a point, regardless of the fact that all work needs to be done by someone. Except someone with a degree, which makes them somehow special and above others.).......all in the interest of their job and ego protection".

If you are such a "talented, qualified, degreed professional outsider who doesn't want to do stupid kid schitt while others do the important stuff", why didn't you just go into business for yourself and have others work for his holiness? (That's a rhetorical question).

Contrary to your misguided perception of yourselves, Wyoming isn't enhanced in any way by the presence of either of you and Colorado has nothing to offer Wyoming.

Great, classic stuff posted by a classic Wyoming man who is a proud, card carrying member of the Little Weiner's Club.

Your post full of obvious talented, educated person envy reinforces precisely the things we stated. Thanks for doing that.

Just like the Doctors and medical professionals who ran like hell that Wyogal mentioned, I did the same. Began to succeed the day after I left. I'm quite certain the others have as well.

Got a buddy who lives in Casper who is from Michigan. He's 60 now and still doing the same kid schitt that he did when he was 20. Can't believe he stayed. I can't.

Been to Cody and have hunted the area many times. Isn't that the town where you can't even get a McD's hamburger made correctly cuz the 'Wonderful Wyoming' workers and managers are sooooooo threatened by any worker who can do so that they keep them from doing so?

Big Wonderful Wyoming. Little Weiners Capital of the West.

Confucius say: He who angers you.......controls you.

My Lifestance is one of Secular Humanism.