Originally Posted by Ranch13
Originally Posted by crossfireoops
Are all those empty loops about how many shots it took before getting a hit ?



eek Full cartridge belts look really cool when all you're doing is standing around playing circle jerk with your cool guys at the "club", but when you're out there walking the hills carrying a 12b rifle,,, a full belt gets a wee bit heavy, so instead of carrying a lifetime supply, a 10-15 year supply is much easier on the ol bod.. cool

Some years ago I found a waist holster with all the loops stuffed perfectly acceptable for a RSB. Some time passed and the rig started pulling my pants down, that being awkward to say the least. I notice most times in movies they have loops filled when the belts are hanging on shoulders rather than waists larger than hips. Beer and extra tacos will do that to a fella.

I don't sport around much with belt looped ammo these days. But if I did it would be hangin' on a shoulder.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain