You are most welcome, and dare I say that you can define our campfire here as two seperate entities.
<br>One is to enlighten, and enrich us in our everyday lives and pursuits, at no real cost to us except the time it takes to read. Best defined by your forum.
<br>Then there is the other that is aimed at enlightening us and lightening our wallets, as defined by Big Stick and his endeavors.[Linked Image]
<br>But all in all we do appreciate the knowledge to be gleaned here. I even have dusted off my old Canon EV1 and hope to start applying some of the photo techniques you have posted, I actually went to take a picture the other day and the film was already at the end of the old roll that was in it.
<br>So have to go get some new film and take the old one in to see what the heck I have on there.
<br>Could be interesting.

"The 375HH is the greatest level of power you can get for the investment in recoil." (JJHack)
79s and losttrail, biggest waste of air.