Originally Posted by Redneck
Congress? Hah! Why, THAT would take BALLS!

And a spine...they've proven they have neither.

If I had to guess, I would say this will get tied up with no resolution and eventually go to the Supreme Court for decision. This will likely end up boiling down to who is appointed in Scalia's place. Which again, will be hugely dependent on whether Hitlery or Trump gets the presidency.

For any gun enthusiast, hunter, sportsman, etc. out there that thinks they won't vote because their candidate didn't get the nomination, or they don't agree 100% with Trump, or they want to "make a statement" and vote third party--WAKE UP!

Throwing your vote away on stupid BS like that is essentially throwing your voice away on future cases of this nature and magnitude.

The 2nd and SCOTUS are on the ballot this November and I would rather take Trump's SCOTUS nominee over than anything Hitlery conjures up.