Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Because Texas is largely private land, people tend to make this sort of discussion about "Texas".

In reality, it's about private land. No matter where it is.

No matter what state it's in, if someone with private land has good hunting, they charge a fee.

It's just the way things roll.

There ya have it... explains a lot about Walt & 700LH.

They're socialists.

Private property shouldn't be only for those fat rich bastards who can afford it; they need to share.

My son and I were hunting public land one year and came to the back of the chubk where the line was posted. He got PISSED and indignant but when I asked him how he'd feel if someone cut through our yard to get to the street behind us, or how he'd feel if someone started shooting squirrels in our yard w/o permission he got it.

You own the land you get to say who is on it. I've met many generous enough to share and done business with many who make part of their living selling access, and never balked at either nor have I ever figured the former made the latter look bad.

Freedom isn't convenient and you're always gonna have some a$$clown like Walt or 700LH or Black Lives Matter welfare recipients b!tching even as they maintain rights to privacy on their own land.