Originally Posted by LostHighway
Does anyone find it just a bit odd Trump's obsession with his popularity numbers?
Two days ago in a news conference with the Israeli PM. He was asked about the rise of anti semitic violence. His answer began with him talking about his electoral college numbers.
Today in the news conference he was asked about his statement that he won with more electoral votes since Ronald Reagan (Not true). He "corrected" himself and said he meant more than any Republician (Not true, GW Bush also had more). Then further corrected said "someone told him that".

I find it odd that the MSM and schits like you never held Hussein accountable for anything, never held Hitlery accountable for anything, and are now obsessed with Trump and "accountability".

Wait, no, I do not find that odd. I find it typically hypocritical of socialists.

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.