Hastings' first hog looks typical feral, the second shows a lot of Russian traits, including reddish color, ridgeback hair pattern. There would be more differences if they were standing side by side, not hanging from a front end loader.

After watching trail cam evidence of hogs eating hog carcasses, I've about decided to get my pork at the grocery store; I'm done eating these critters.

They're as bad as possums. The old folks would catch a possum, feed him out then eat him. I've kicked old cow carcasses in the woods, had possums run out of the cavity. Yuck.

Hogs are about as bad. They're known to carry a host of diseases; we wear gloves when cleaning them.

I'll keep shooting them for control, not for my freezer.

Just saying. Will probably get push back on that, undoubtedly from those who've not seen the trail cams I've viewed.


Last edited by Dirtfarmer; 02/21/17.