Several places sell them, they are called the hitch drag. About $75 plus shipping. That version will pull 6 pigs. I am not sure on the weight rating of it, I am thinking maybe 1200 lbs? They make some smaller versions called the pocket drag and the big boy drag. They have a single handle, single strap, and 2 cable loops, They are rated for 600 lbs and cost like $20-$25. I keep the hitch drag in my truck, but carry one of the pocket drags folded up in the battle belt I wear out stalking pigs. That way if I am out with someone else and not in my truck we still have something if needed. Beats the heck out of using rope and it slipping off. If you get that cable behind the upper teeth good it will not pull free. Pretty easy on and off too. Sure has made my life easier.