Weight of any animal is a funny thing. Many years ago, some friends and I won a King Mackerel tournament with a fish that weighed 39.7. Just after we took it off the scales, two guys drove up and asked what was in the lead. When told, they started high fiving and grinning, said they had a 50 lber in their cooler. The fish they pulled out would have been lucky to be 25 lbs, guy running the tournament laughed them away from the scale, refused to even weigh it. Next weekend we got one that WEIGHED 48, after being on ice over 6 hours. Before heading in to weigh it, I spoke to a friend on the radio, told him we had one bigger than the fish that had won the tourney the week before. Some clown came on the radio, asked how much the one in the tournament weighed. When I told him, he started chuckling, said "they" had caught one over 60 lbs recently, but of course never weighed it. My response was, well, my 39.7 won us $10,000 dollars, how much was yours worth?

No more comments from him.

Somebody ion here pretty much nailed it, said he used to kill a lot of hogs over 300 pounds, but then he got a good scale, and hadn't killed one over 200 since!
