Ok, I'll call it killing from here on out.

I've not seen the same with spikes, though as noted, I tend to view a spike for at least until the 2nd set of antlers before I take a guess if that was age/genetics/food/drought etc... he has not had a chance to breed by then anyway.

So to take man totally out of the formula what does that require?(damn that sounded like gus..) kill whatever whenever? Would that be sustainable without SOME type of rules?

It actually would be nice if it could go that way, but to many people for that to happen IMHO.

Espeically here, if you told the mexican legal and illegal to have at it, we'd have nothing left. Much like the russians in alaska.

We can keep Larry Root and all his idiotic blabber and user names on here, but we can't get Ralph back..... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over....