Originally Posted by rost495
Ben, thansk for jumping in. I think it was dumb of you to, but I appreciate it. LOL.

Is not the point of AR to try to govern age class of deer harvested so that things become better?

Or have I missed the point? Such that all does get bred( that was the case here, many does never got bred) and that more deer get closer to mature before harvest?

Not to provide larger racks?

And to follow up, if AR are innefective, they why did they produce an abundance of deer here, deer that are larger, heavier and older and by default some have better antlers?

Whats the point to try to do this across the board if there is no positive to the herd?

NYDEC has done studies on preganancy/ fawning rates/dates and concluded over 95% of our adult does are getting bred during their first estrous cycle. That was part of the information with which they concluded AR's are not needed to improve the health of our herd.