I'm really curious to see what the fighters do when they get in the ring. It's a win for McGregor just to get this fight. It's amazing that he hyped things enough to make it happen. He's never had a boxing match yet in his very first boxing match he fights a guy who has NEVER lost a boxing match and won titles across the board.

I want to see if McGregor is planning to really fight or box. The best boxers couldn't beat Mayweather boxing, McGregor can't either. If McGregor turns it into a fight (under boxing rules) he might make it "interesting". Will he spend lots of time inside tying Mayweather up, leaning on him, pulling on his head, making him carry his weight....will he stay far outside taunting Mayweather, running from Mayweather trying to frustrate him and make him box offensively and then try to get shots in as Mayweather comes in...will he mix those things up....or will he come in with no strategy and end up making Mayweather look even better? If he boxes with Mayweather I think McGregor will be lucky to get a single clean shot in. If he makes it an ugly fight it might be more interesting.