Crate training and exercise. Young dogs will chew on stuff and hard to stop but should grow out of it. Have to stop the behavior while they are actually doing it. . Going up on furniture is easy to stop. Teach off command.

VERY MINIMUM -Dog should be leash trained and taught to come, stay, heal, off etc. And this is the owner's responsibility. If the dog ruins, destroys anything the grandson or daughter, who are guests in your home, should pay for it otherwise just enabling poor decision making.

How old is your grandson? He should be partcipating in training if its his dog otherwise a waste of time and it will just end up being your dog which might be a bad thing and probably better for the dog. Typically the owner needs as much training as the dog. Dont ever hit a young dog hard or beat them imho. Just a swat open hand or pinch in ear near rear leg.

I never understand why people get dogs and have no clue how much time and dedication it takes to have a good well trained, obedient, exercised dog. That's why so many good dogs are in shelters and put down every year.

Last edited by ribka; 01/16/18.